Saturday, June 15, 2013

Man of Steel Movie Review!!!

Man of Steel

  All right people I just saw the movie “Man of Steel” last night and wanted to get a good night's rest and see if I still had the same reaction this morning and I did. Here it goes. The truth is if you haven’t seen “Man of Steel” yet or if you don’t plan on seeing the movie then chances are you are just a very boring person (in my book)! Anybody who loves an awesome action/adventure summer blockbuster hit featuring “Superman” or if anyone in general wants to see a really awesome work of art then this is a must see movie for you. "Man of Steel" right now holds the mantle of best movie of the year in my books and I'm about to give you the reasons why!!!
  Basically Superman's (aka Kal-El) homeworld "Krypton" is dying and his parents decide to put him when he was a baby into a small space shuttle and send it to the planet Earth to live and to grow up and basically defend the human race. Kal-El 's space shuttle crashes on Earth in the small fiction based town called "Smallville" in Kansas where Jonathan Kent (Kevin Costner) and Martha Kent (Diane Lane) find him and raise him up as the good outstanding citizen known as Clark Kent. Many years later after he knows he is not from this world, thanks to his many different abilities like shooting lasers out of his eyes, super strength and his ability to fly (thanks to his Kryptonian physiology), Clark Kent (Henry Cavill) goes on a journey to find out where he is originally from and why he was sent to earth.
  He eventually finds those answers by discovering an old Krypton scout ship, which inside has the the technology to communicate with the conscious of Clark's real father Jor-El (Russell Crowe). Jor-El explains everything to Clark basically giving him the reasons why he is on Earth, shows/gives him a suit made from Krypton and with all that said and done Superman is born, meets the love of his life Lois Lane (Amy Adams), who works as a news journalist at the Daily Planet in Metropolis (which is another fiction based area in the Superman universe)
 Now in the film, as soon as Clark puts on the suit, Krypton's surviving Military leader General Zod (Michael Shannon), who by the way was an awesome villain to be seen on screen, invades Earth and essentially wants to take over and build a new Krypton. Now most fight scenes with villains these days don't take too long except for Avengers but once the fighting starts halfway in this movie it's literally all out war fighting which is what an action blockbuster movie is in my opinion (may I remind you that this movie is 2 hours and 20 minutes long which means this movie honestly has at least 70 minutes of pure action).
   Now most of the time action is awesome and we all love it, but that doesn't make the movie, I felt the actual acting performances were oustanding. To me Henry Cavill, Russell Crowe, Amy Adams Kevin Costner and Michael Shannon really stood out especially Henry Cavill's Superman (the dude is definitely Superman in real life), you can tell Cavill really tried for this role both mentally and physically although I think he played the role a little bit too seriously its still works out very well either way. Amy Adams is definitely the best Lois Lane on screen to date and also in my opinion the sexiest one we have ever seen. Michael Shannon as Zod is very creepy/scary and it works as it gave that "HAHA I'm evil" type vibe. The last piece why you should see "Man of Steel" is the soundtrack to the film it, was pure gold and it really had a Superman vibe to it just like Batman had it in "The Dark Knight Trilogy". 
 Basically “Man of Steel” was everything that I wanted it to be after I saw the first trailer back last summer when “The Dark Knight Rises” came out at midnight. As I was walking out of the theater I just wanted to fly home, be the character and fight evil. So in other words "PEOPLE SEE THIS MOVIE NOW".
                                                                                 Rating 5 out of 5